You are the Electric Car Experts

For Electric Car Owners and Enthusiasts

The electric car and hybrid vehicle market is new in a market that has existed for a hundred years. The emergence of an alternative to the internal combustion engine is a revolution. We have created this platform so that car buyers interested in joining this revolution can hear from electric car owners.

You, the electric car owners are the true innovators, the creators of this new market place and your views are the most important. We want you to share your experiences and opinions on your electric cars by reviewing them. Share what you love about your electric cars and what drives you mad!

Peer reviews are the most important influencer when making major purchases. Second only to buying a house, new car purchasers are not only expensive, they are emotional. Taking the leap into a completely new type of vehicle is challenging. Your reviews will help potential purchasers make the right choice for them. Manufacturers and retailers provide information on their vehicles, but only you, the owners can share what they are in ‘real life’.

We will review as many electric cars and hybrid vehicles as possible, but it is your reviews that matter. You are, after all, the Electric Car Experts.

Join Our Community and leave your expert review of your car, ask questions in our Forum and link up with members and groups that your interested in.

We would love to include your expert feedback and opinion:

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Electric Car Experts
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